Designed by Jakob Erbar and first cast by Ludwig & Mayer in 1909. Comes with ornaments as well as one- and two-colored initials. A bold cut was added in 1910, an extrabold italic (Feder-Kursiv) in 1925 [Wetzig 1926–40]. The upright extrabold was named Koloss (1924). Feder-Antiqua (1911) by the same foundry but a different designer is only vaguely related. Pierallini sold Feder-Grotesk as Serie Roma. Lehmann had a version with Cyrillics as Romanowski (also spelled Romanowskii or Romanowsky) [Reichardt 2011] as early as 1910 [ParaType].
For digital interpretations, see Federo (Cyreal, 2011) and Romanovsky (ParaType, 2013). Read more.