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A Short History of Mythology

Contributed by Fabio Furlani on Jul 28th, 2022. Artwork published in .
A Short History of Mythology 1
Source: Remo Alessandro Wyss. License: All Rights Reserved.

Editorial design by Remo A. Wyss containing his results from the Signs and Symbols seminar at the University of the Arts Zurich (Visual Communication) led by Offshore Studio.

From the original briefing:

Read your poem from the book Spells: 21st-Century Occult Poetry and transform words and phrases of your choice into new symbols. Those symbols should represent the sensual experiences that are excluded by these words (how does a tree smell, how does a rock feel, how does a river taste, how does fire behave?). Try to consider the specific sensuous characterstics of these things and processes you look at and avoid stereotypical and human-centred representations. Design a coherent visual language. Later on, combine and connect symbols in order to create new poetic meanings. Layout your poem with the symbols you have designed and create an overview of your character set.

A Short History of Mythology 2
Source: Remo Alessandro Wyss. License: All Rights Reserved.
A Short History of Mythology 3
Source: Remo Alessandro Wyss. License: All Rights Reserved.
A Short History of Mythology 4
Source: Remo Alessandro Wyss. License: All Rights Reserved.
A Short History of Mythology 5
Source: Remo Alessandro Wyss. License: All Rights Reserved.
A Short History of Mythology 6
Source: Remo Alessandro Wyss. License: All Rights Reserved.


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