Uses with separate editions or variants for different countries or regions. See also language variants, multilingual, and multiscript.
Contributed by Production Type
Contributed by Florian Hardwig
Contributed by Garrison Martin
Contributed by Antonia Taylor
Photo(s) by Buro Destruct on Flickr.
Contributed by Robby Rhodes
Contributed by Mark James
Contributed by Patrick Concannon
Contributed by Rob Hudson
Contributed by Resistenza Type
Contributed by Andreas Kofler
Contributed by Erica Jung
Contributed by Ramiro Espinoza
Contributed by HAL Typefaces
Contributed by Dusan Jelesijevic
Contributed by Stéphane Darricau
Contributed by Eben Sorkin
Contributed by Gareth Hague
Contributed by Thomas Evensson
Contributed by Jan Charvát
Contributed by PampaType Team
Contributed by Herb Lubalin Study Center
Contributed by Noah
Contributed by Jayce Wheeled
Contributed by Alex Rosario
Contributed by Fonts In Use Staff
Contributed by Simon Abranowicz
Contributed by TypeMates
Contributed by Nick Sherman
Contributed by Andreas Seidel