Designed by Walter Tiemann and released in 1923. An italic
cut was added in 1925, a bold (halbfett) in 1927. Preceded by the
related openface Narziß
(1921). [Reichardt/Hoefer] Adapted for the Typograph
in c.1936/37. [Wetzig 1926–40] The foundry version
includes a number of ligatures (ck ch ff fi fl ft ſch ſi ſſ ſt tt
tz FT TT). The Italic additionally has an ‘ll’ ligature and several
swash alternates (tz v w z A D J M P &).
Reworked in 1982 by Adrian Frutiger for CRT phototypesetting, on
behalf of the German weekly Die Zeit. Frutiger added a
light weight, to replace Ratio-Latein which Die
Zeit previously paired with Tiemann-Antiqua.
Later digitized and released by Linotype as Tiemann.
Designed by Walter Tiemann and released in 1923. An italic cut was added in 1925, a bold (halbfett) in 1927. Preceded by the related openface Narziß (1921). [Reichardt/Hoefer] Adapted for the Typograph in c.1936/37. [Wetzig 1926–40] The foundry version includes a number of ligatures (ck ch ff fi fl ft ſch ſi ſſ ſt tt tz FT TT). The Italic additionally has an ‘ll’ ligature and several swash alternates (tz v w z A D J M P &).
Reworked in 1982 by Adrian Frutiger for CRT phototypesetting, on behalf of the German weekly Die Zeit. Frutiger added a light weight, to replace Ratio-Latein which Die Zeit previously paired with Tiemann-Antiqua. Later digitized and released by Linotype as Tiemann. [Osterer & Stamm 2008]