Released by Monotype in 1928,
Othello is an imitation of Rudolf Koch’s Neuland (Klingspor, 1923). At least some sizes have an
alternative ‘A’ [Monotype
specimen]. Also sold as Thello by Triangle [Reichardt 2011] and by the Acme
Type Foundry as Beachcomber [MacMillan].
See also Othello Shaded.
“[Berthold Wolpe’s] Albertus can be seen as Morison’s
improvement of Othello, Monotype’s 1928 copy of
Neuland, executed by Pierpont.” — Monotype/MyFonts
The digital version by Steve Matteson and Carl
Crossgrove [MyFonts]
comes with small caps in the lowercase, alternates, ornaments, and
a range of ligatures incl. logotypes for ‘AND’, ‘MAC, ‘MLLE’,
‘THE’, etc.
Not to be More…
Released by Monotype in 1928, Othello is an imitation of Rudolf Koch’s Neuland (Klingspor, 1923). At least some sizes have an alternative ‘A’ [Monotype specimen]. Also sold as Thello by Triangle [Reichardt 2011] and by the Acme Type Foundry as Beachcomber [MacMillan]. See also Othello Shaded.
“[Berthold Wolpe’s] Albertus can be seen as Morison’s improvement of Othello, Monotype’s 1928 copy of Neuland, executed by Pierpont.” — Monotype/MyFonts
The digital version by Steve Matteson and Carl Crossgrove [MyFonts] comes with small caps in the lowercase, alternates, ornaments, and a range of ligatures incl. logotypes for ‘AND’, ‘MAC, ‘MLLE’, ‘THE’, etc.
Not to be confused with ATF’s typeface of the same name.