Shown in 1971 by dry-transfer manufacturer Mecanorma and
credited to B. Jacquet [Mecanorma 1988]. Several sources give the
full name as Bernard Jacquet [Reichardt/Hoefer].
A foundry type version is shown in an undated (early 1970s?)
catalog by Richard Gans, as Kundo.
Wood type versions are shown in catalogs by two Italian
manufacturers, Xilografia Adige (as Egitto)
and Xilografia Italiana (as Azzurra).
Phototype versions are shown in Dan X. Solo’s Moderne
Alphabets (Dover, 1999) as Righto and in
Typony Core 1 (ca. 1980) as Alga
Spanish transfer type manufacturer Letrayon had the design as
Timbal [Schwarz].
Digital versions include Jackson MN (Mecanorma,
1991) and SimpsonSCapsSSK (Southern Software, 1993),
both of which are of poor quality. Cabeza Grossa is a close More…
Shown in 1971 by dry-transfer manufacturer Mecanorma and credited to B. Jacquet [Mecanorma 1988]. Several sources give the full name as Bernard Jacquet [Reichardt/Hoefer].
A foundry type version is shown in an undated (early 1970s?) catalog by Richard Gans, as Kundo. Wood type versions are shown in catalogs by two Italian manufacturers, Xilografia Adige (as Egitto) and Xilografia Italiana (as Azzurra). Phototype versions are shown in Dan X. Solo’s Moderne Alphabets (Dover, 1999) as Righto and in Typony Core 1 (ca. 1980) as Alga [Oka]. Spanish transfer type manufacturer Letrayon had the design as Timbal [Schwarz].
Digital versions include Jackson MN (Mecanorma, 1991) and SimpsonSCapsSSK (Southern Software, 1993), both of which are of poor quality. Cabeza Grossa is a close reinterpretation (AKOFAType, 2008) that is better drawn. New Jackson (Nick Öhlo, 2019) is only loosely inspired.