Cut by Friedrich W. Bauer together with Theodor Friebel,
following specifications by Karl Rupprecht. Cast by Bauer & Co in
halbfett (1881) and mager (1882) weights. Bauer & Co. also had a
Iicht (open, not credited to F.W. Bauer). Also carried by Brendler,
Fischer, Brockhaus, Scholz, Schelter & Giesecke. Caslon had it as
Black No. 4, Conner as Hamburg Series.
[Reichardt/Hoefer] [Reichardt 2011]
In 1926, both weights were available from Berthold and Schelter
& Giesecke. The open version is shown as
Kupferstich-Schrift Prinzeß (Berthold, 1905).
[Wetzig 1926–40] At least Schelter &
Giesecke’s came with More…
Cut by Friedrich W. Bauer together with Theodor Friebel, following specifications by Karl Rupprecht. Cast by Bauer & Co in halbfett (1881) and mager (1882) weights. Bauer & Co. also had a Iicht (open, not credited to F.W. Bauer). Also carried by Brendler, Fischer, Brockhaus, Scholz, Schelter & Giesecke. Caslon had it as Black No. 4, Conner as Hamburg Series. [Reichardt/Hoefer] [Reichardt 2011]
In 1926, both weights were available from Berthold and Schelter & Giesecke. The open version is shown as Kupferstich-Schrift Prinzeß (Berthold, 1905). [Wetzig 1926–40] At least Schelter & Giesecke’s came with a second set of ornate caps. [Wetzig 1911]
Gerhard Helzel’s digital version has halbfett (w/ ornate caps) and mager in a big size (28/30pt, 1995), and the latter additionally in a small size (10/11pt, 1996, used for sample). Ralph Unger released another digitization as Gutenberg Gotisch (RMU, 2022).