Typoman comic Contributed by Indra Kupferschmid on Jan 31st, 2015. Artwork published in 1997. Source: www.flickr.com License: All Rights Reserved. Typefaces Formats Booklets/Pamphlets (2186) Topics Entertainment (1404) Graphic Design (2789) Designers/Agencies Erik van Blokland (4) Tagged withTypoman (1)uses by the typeface’s designer (1129)comics (99)superheroes (29)all caps (6692)1990s (359)speech balloons (163)about type design (303)self-referential (29)stretched type (491)rotated type (2004)onomatopoeia (34)single glyphs (414)outlined type (1169)shadow effects (1096)rotated/upside-down glyphs (224)type on an angle (1183)lettering (601) Artwork location Germany (3537) Netherlands (1001) Berlin (1046) Den Haag (121) In Sets PHANTA (Leonardo de la Fuente) (285) Post a comment Name Email – will not be published Website Your response Submit Comment More in Graphic Design Futura Bold ad: “the type of today and tomorow”1929Walter HuxleyHuxley HouseContributed by Stephen Coles Stephenson Blake & Co Ltd letterhead, 1950c. 1948unknownContributed by Florian Hardwig Punch portfolio website2022Keita YamadaContributed by Keita Yamada Sponsor More in Booklets/Pamphlets Connaître Paris est votre rêve, RATP leaflet1956Imprimerie HénonPhoto(s) by mikeyashworth on Flickr. Staff Pick Visual statement for Civic City Cahier 32011Project ProjectsContributed by Shiva Nallaperumal Bruce Nauman: Contraposto Studies2021Zak GroupContributed by Adrien Menard MIT Economics2023unknownContributed by Greg Gazdowicz More Fonts In Use Harlem Song marketing and album2002Gail AndersonSpotCoContributed by Sam Berlow Staff Pick Hotel Navis2015Ivan DilberovićContributed by Typotheque Staff Pick Field of Practicec. 2023Field of PracticeContributed by ML Typefaces Staff Pick Schwager Tapeten logoc. 1971Roland HirterContributed by Thomas Hirter Staff Pick 22º Bienal Sesc_Videobrasil2024Luciana FacchiniFlávia CastanheiraContributed by Luciana Facchini Staff Pick Mirage Machine2022Ahora StudioGabriel MafféïsContributed by Production Type Staff Pick The Bell Jar (Faber and Faber, 1966)1966Shirley TuckerContributed by Stephen Coles Staff Pick Watts Up at KALX1982unknownContributed by Stephen Coles Staff Pick