Stranger Things
Contributed by Miguel Sanz on Jul 20th, 2016. Artwork published in
July 2016
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21 Comments on “Stranger Things”
ITC Benguiat encouraged tight, all-caps setting from its very beginning. Here’s an ad in U&lc that appeared shortly after the typeface’s launch:
Here’s an example of the typographic style that inspired the Stranger Things title: centered caps with large first and last letters, middle letters shifted up. Many of the 1980s covers for Stephen King novels are set in this template, regardless of typeface.
From Sarah Gless’ nice post, a relevant overview of Stephen King covers with the interlocking style of typesetting.
Also shares a similar style to the old Choose Your Own Adventure books:
See also:
Almost identical font to this Stephen King cover of Needful Things
Not sure if the letterforms on the cover of Needful Things are from a font. If so, then they were heavily modified, maybe based on a version of Latin. See also Stephen King’s The Dead Zone featuring the related Cortez.
The second season of Stranger Things was released last week and there was just one obvious adjustment to the titles and logo: the addition of a giant Benguiat 2:
The designers modified the numeral a bit, adding a spiky serif to the top to replicate the one on the baseline. Here’s ITC Benguiat Condensed Bold out of the box:
any idea what font the ‘Original music by…’ words would be in?
Hi Koen, that’s ITC Benguiat Bold.
What font is used in the end credits of Stranger Things?
Hi Rayyan, the end credits use Benguiat Bold. I have added a video of the end credits to the post.
Anyone knows what’s the font used for the alphabet on the wall ?
This one? I highly doubt it’s a font. A set designer probably painted the letters onto the wall, without referencing an existing typeface. It could very well be that a fan later created a font based on that alphabet. I’m not aware of such a font, though.
What is the font used in the cast names in the opening? I’ve seen Arial mentioned, but it’s not an exact match on the R in it.
If you change it to like Arial Black, it makes the R match, but then the other letters don’t match.
It’s ITC Avant Garde Gothic Bold.
Hi Kumalala,
I assume you’re asking about the school’s name on the front of the building, yes? Good question. Being painted, I believe it’s only loosely based on an existing font. The fact that horizontals are heavier than verticals suggests that the letterforms were squeezed. The added (?) contour doesn’t help with identifying. Apart from the horizontal terminals (in C, S) and the straight-sided rounds, the characteristic details are the very short middle bar on E, the narrow W, and the M with a middle part that reaches to the baseline. With that in mind, I can imagine that the set designers started out with Poplar Black, but refined the counters/apertures when applying the contour.
The A.V. Club T-shirt uses College.
Note re: the Stephen King comparisons both in the post itself as well as in comments above. The Stephen King books that the Duffer bros were almost certainly referencing were the many published editions of the 1980s that used Pacella Latina, as shown the Needful Things cover above and in these other examples (but there are many others).
Benguiat was used sometimes on his back covers and I think in some case for smaller text on King book covers but only rarely as the primary title/author text, so the use of Benguiat for Stranger Things feels mostly like a vibes choice for the era.
Totally agree! We’ve found out about Pacella Latina since Alyssa’s 2017 comment and do have an extensive draft – in fact several by various people – about this typeface used for the Stephen King books. I just need to find time to finalize it, sigh. Likely won’t happen in the very near future, but I hope I get to it eventually.