Jason Kander for Senate ad: Background Checks
Contributed by Stephen Coles on Sep 17th, 2016. Artwork published in
September 2016
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2 Comments on “Jason Kander for Senate ad: Background Checks”
… or food origin signs in France.
For those interested in how rules and regulations affect aesthetics — in design, architecture, the urban space and elsewhere —, I recommend Severin Wucher’s book Das Gesetz und seine visuellen Folgen / La loi et ses conséquences visuelles (“The law and its visual consequences”; German and French), issued by Lars Müller Publishers in 2005.
Thomas Phinney has an article on his blog that mentions a spammer deliberately choosing a font like this since they were obliged to include a 12pt disclaimer text.
Also reminds me of Lavabit being forced to disclose its private keys and complying with a printout in 4pt type. The feds didn’t accept it.