Turing’s Cathedral Contributed by Stephen Coles on Jun 28th, 2012. Artwork published in 2012. License: All Rights Reserved. Typefaces Designers/Agencies Peter Mendelsund (12) Tagged withGeorge Dyson (1)Vintage Books (publisher) (28)book covers (5281)book jackets (828)borders and rules (1005)underlined (692)center-aligned text (1697) In Sets INSPIRATION (Tessa van der Waals) (52) smooth (Karo Konieczna) (525) JKS (fei) (52) Courier (Peter Bedford) (8) Post a comment Name Email – will not be published Website Your response Submit Comment More Gill Sans in use Barefoot Atlas iOS app2012Touch PressMatt AitkenChris PriorContributed by Stephen Coles Snellen (Type) ChartBruno PonceanoContributed by Bruno Ponceano Pokémon – “Gotta catch ’em all!”1998Contributed by D Jones Sponsor More Fonts In Use Project : Research2024Joana MachadoContributed by Store Norske Skriftkompani Staff Pick Escape the Overcode by Brian Holmes2009Dejan KršićContributed by Jeremy Tankard Staff Pick Festival Résonancesc. 2016Atelier Tout va bienContributed by Swiss Typefaces Staff Pick Souffler de son souffle exhibition catalog2022êkhô studioContributed by êkhô studio Staff Pick 차의 계절 The Seasons of Teac. 2022Studio GominContributed by Nikolas Wrobel Staff Pick Marie Davidson — Working Class Woman album and singles2018Melissa MatosEtienne Saint-DenisMMBP & AssociatesContributed by Swiss Typefaces Staff Pick Ink Dreams2021Green Dragon OfficeLorraine WildXiaoqing WangContributed by Swiss Typefaces Staff Pick Martha Graham Dance Company at the Royal Opera House poster1979Richard BirdMichael MayhewContributed by Florian Hardwig Staff Pick Juilliard Streichquartett, Béla Bartók – Die Sechs Streichquartette album art1973unknownContributed by Nick Sherman Staff Pick Horst: Photographer of Style2014V&A DesignClara SanchoContributed by Clara Sancho Staff Pick Lance Wyman: The Visual Diaries 1973–19822016SpinContributed by Swiss Typefaces Staff Pick Europa: el surgimiento de una nación by Carl J. Friedrich1973Daniel GilContributed by Florian Hardwig Staff Pick