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The Abdul Hassan Orchestra – “Arabian Affair” single cover

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Aug 26th, 2017. Artwork published in .
Photography by Pim Westerweel
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Photography by Pim Westerweel

From Discogs:

The Dutch keyboard-player Hans van Eijck […] was the spiritual father of this one-time formation. With some additional anonymous players, disguised as Arabs and with belly dancer Yonina they scored one succesful hit with the single “Arabian Affair” in 1978.

Shown by Richard Kahwagi in his talk at TypeCon Boston (h/t @betruthfulness), presumably as an example for stereotypes of the Arabic world in Western pop culture. The main typefaces are Spring, a hippyish all-lowercase face designed by Bernard Jacquet and released as a Mecanorma original before 1971, and Charleston, a reworking of Radium (1904), made in 1967 by Hace Frey for Ludwig & Mayer and also available from Mecanorma.


  • Spring
  • Charleston (Ludwig & Mayer)



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