Noe is our new Medium brand typeface. Noe made its first appearance in August, when we launched our new brand identity. Noe Display Bold is the face we used as the basis for the Medium wordmark. We’re using Noe Display Medium as the voice of Medium on marketingpages and in places where we encourage users to sign in and upgrade. When set in Noe, these messages are eye-catching and clearly set apart from the content of stories so that readers aren’t confused where an author’s writing ends and the platform begins.
Marat Sans is our new sans serif typeface. Starting today, we’re rolling it out for headlines, captions, drop caps, and pull quotes on stories, paired with our old friend Charter. It appears as the heading and subheading on story previews. […] You’ll notice, however, that Marat is doing more work for us than just in stories — we are using it across our UI on Medium too. It appears in settings, profiles, notifications, and metadata, among other places. Instead of using system fonts that can differ significantly across platforms, browsers, and operating systems, we’ve decided to employ Marat Sans throughout.
Hi Muhaimin, which font is this about? And what is your definition of “safe for web”? All typefaces listed in this post are available in web font formats, in the case of Charter, there are even several options.
3 Comments on “ (2017)”
Yeah, finally got it. I have been searching for this font. But, is it safe for web?
Hi Muhaimin, which font is this about? And what is your definition of “safe for web”? All typefaces listed in this post are available in web font formats, in the case of Charter, there are even several options.
I was looking for that letter and now that I know what Medium uses it I was even happier!