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Germany. Memories of a Nation by Neil MacGregor

Contributed by Stéphane Darricau on Apr 3rd, 2022. Artwork published in .
Germany. Memories of a Nation by Neil MacGregor 1
Allen Lane/Penguin. License: All Rights Reserved.

For the jacket of the hardback edition of Neil MacGregor’s wonderful Germany. Memories of a Nation, Penguin art director Jim Stoddart chose a thoroughly German sans serif, Akzidenz-Grotesk (the classic, beloved Medium weight), and paired it with Bauer Bodoni, the most famous German recut of Giambattista Bodoni’s neo-classical roman.

Though this typographic scheme was kept for the UK paperback edition (see below, left), it was dropped when the book was picked up by Knopf in the US, and replaced by Futura (below, right, design by Ross Stevens).

Germany. Memories of a Nation by Neil MacGregor 2
Penguin, Vintage/Random House. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Bauer Bodoni
  • Akzidenz-Grotesk
  • Futura




Artwork location

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