An independent archive of typography.

The Politics of Design

Contributed by Swiss Typefaces on Feb 28th, 2018. Artwork published in
circa 2016
The Politics of Design 1
License: All Rights Reserved.

The Politics of Design is a self-initiated and collaborative project between journalism and graphic design. For this book, Ruben Pater used Akzidenz Grotesk, Suisse BP Serif and a custom Suisse Text Condensed for the titles and cover.

The Politics of Design explores the cultural and political context of the typography, colours, photography, symbols, and information graphics that we use every day. Designers, communication specialists, and image-makers possess the power to shape visual communication, and with that power comes great responsibility. Are we as creative professionals really aware of the political meaning and impact of our work in today’s network society? This book examines cultural contexts and stereotypes with visual examples from around the world. It demonstrates that communication tools are never neutral, and encourages its users to rethink global cultural understanding. Additional works by contemporary artists and designers show that political awareness does not limit creativity, but opens up new explorations for a critical visual culture.

Published by BIS.

Suisse Works is available as part of the Suisse typeface from Swiss Typefaces.

The Politics of Design 2
License: All Rights Reserved.
The Politics of Design 3
License: All Rights Reserved.
The Politics of Design 4
License: All Rights Reserved.
The Politics of Design 5
License: All Rights Reserved.
The Politics of Design 6
License: All Rights Reserved.

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