Der Vogelsbergbäcker, Offenbach Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Sep 16th, 2012. Source: Photo: Florian Hardwig. License: All Rights Reserved. Colin Brignall’s Octopuss (1970/1974), complete with shade, for the store front of a bakery in Offenbach, Germany. Typefaces Formats Signs (1976) Topics Food/Beverage (2785) Retail/Shopping (1018) Tagged withshopfronts (380)bakeries (79)chromatic (695)red white and blue (168)German (language) (2187) Artwork location Germany (3537) Offenbach (33) In Sets bok (Viktor Almqvist) (25) late 20th century (slink johnson) (59) rounded (Lucas Bevilaqua) (52) RADIOGIAPPANESE (Leonardo de la Fuente) (105) Post a comment Name Email – will not be published Website Your response Submit Comment More Octopuss in use Festivalzeitung – Theatertreffen der Jugend 20222022Hannes BrischkeLara LiskeContributed by Lara Liske Staff Pick Christophe – Aline album art and single sleeves (1970s)c. 1973CréacunknownContributed by Florian Hardwig Lauder’s Scotch ad1973Contributed by Stephen Coles Sponsor More in Food/Beverage DavidsTea2012Eva WilssonContributed by Stefan Hattenbach Rigor Pizza2021MundialContributed by Laïc: Type Foundry Il Laboratorio Caffè Sartorialec. 2021ET StudioTomas BaruffaldiElettra ZuanazziContributed by Tomas Baruffaldi Chobani identity and packaging2005unknownContributed by Stephen Coles More in Signs Lezzet Grill Schnellimbiss Restaurant, BerlinunknownContributed by Florian Hardwig Papírnictví Dárky Drogerie, PraguePhoto(s) by Frank Grießhammer on Flickr. Dallas Museum of Art signsunknownContributed by ebukva Red Roosterc. 2014unknownBrand CouncilContributed by B.J. Winzer More Fonts In Use Clip Books of Line Art, Volk (1972)1972Harry Volk Jr. Art StudioPhoto(s) by Bart Solenthaler on Flickr. Staff Pick The Japan Times2017The Japan TimesAndrew LeeContributed by Playtype Foundry Staff Pick Hitachino Nest Beer1996unknownContributed by Stephen Coles Staff Pick Cats Let Nothing Darken Their Roar 20132012Noa BembibreContributed by Florian Hardwig Staff Pick