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Die drei Musketiere by Alexandre Dumas, Karl Prochaska

Photo(s) by altpapiersammler. Imported from Flickr on Nov 9, 2024. Artwork published in
circa 1890
Die drei Musketiere by Alexandre Dumas, Karl Prochaska 1
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by altpapiersammler and tagged with “renaissancekanzlei”. License: All Rights Reserved.

This undated German translation of Les Trois Mousquetaires (The Three Musketeers) was published by Karl Prochaska in Teschen, Austria (today: Cieszyn/Těšín), in a series titled “Die besten Romane der Weltliteratur” (“The best novels in world literature”).

The series title on the top of the title page pairs Heinz König’s Renaissance-Fraktur (1885) with initials from Friedrich W. Bauer’s Renaissance-Kanzlei (1883). “Die drei Musketiere” is presented in a lighter typeface, likewise with flourished capitals: Antike Kanzlei (1882) was designed in-house at Flinsch and cut by William Kirkwood. The name of Alexander [sic!] Dumas uses Original-Gotisch or similar. The smaller text including the caption of the frontispiece is set in a Normal-Fraktur.

“Die besten Romane der Weltliteratur” on the cover appears to be a (custom-made?) open variant of Renaissance-Fraktur. The author’s name here is set in ’s  (1876).
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by altpapiersammler. License: All Rights Reserved.

“Die besten Romane der Weltliteratur” on the cover appears to be a (custom-made?) open variant of Renaissance-Fraktur. The author’s name here is set in Albert Anklam’s Neue Schwabacher (1876).


  • Renaissance-Kanzlei (Bauer & Co)
  • Münchner Fraktur / Renaissance-Fraktur
  • Antike Kanzlei
  • Original-Gotisch
  • Normal-Fraktur
  • Neue Schwabacher




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