Rafael Flichman / La Cimade. License: All Rights Reserved.
Plaax comes in six styles, each in three or four weights. The big type on these two posters is set with the most narrow style of Plaax – Sathonay. The geometric sans serif is the widest style of Plaax – Ney (Regular).
Bureau 205 has designed these posters for La Cimade, a French association for migrants. From the La Cimade website:
Every year, La Cimade receives and advises tens of thousands of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers and provides legal support to foreigners, assisting them in accessing their rights. La Cimade leads advocacy actions towards decision makers; it informs and raises awareness on migrations among the public opinion.
This poster campaign, presented in several cities in France, challenges public opinion to take up migratory issues. The designers worked with different styles of Plaax by Damien Gautier, available from 205TF.
Rafael Flichman / La Cimade. License: All Rights Reserved.
Rafael Flichman / La Cimade. License: All Rights Reserved.
Rafael Flichman / La Cimade. License: All Rights Reserved.
Rafael Flichman / La Cimade. License: All Rights Reserved.