The Future of Typographyis a magazine series that presents nine interviews with designers and draws a conclusion in the tenth magazine issue. In her bachelor thesis in Communication Design at Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen (Germany), designer Josephine Becker researched how our handling of typography has changed as a result of digitalisation, and how we will we with writing in the future. Her interview partners include Niklaus Troxler, Julia Kahl of Slanted, Grilli Type, Studio Dumbar, Hansje van Halem and Götz Gramlich.
The main typeface is Cera Pro in a customized version: Interview partners TypeMates interpolated Cera to create a weight named “Ticken Schmaler” (“A nudge more condensed”), sitting between Cera with its circular o and the more compact Cera Condensed. The outcome is a slightly more space saving typeface for Josephine’s layout with some quite narrow columns. Cera Ticken Schmaler is paired with Blackerwhich is used mostly for quotes.