Source: to Flickr by Kirsten Solveig Schneider and tagged with “chisel”. License: All Rights Reserved.
Alphabet and Image: 3 edited by Robert Harling, published by James Shand at the Shenval Press, 58 Frith Street, Soho, London W1.
— Allen Hutt: the Gothic title-piece and the English newspaper
— Frances Sarzano: the engravings and book decorations of John Nash
— A. F. Johnson: 19th Century typefounders and mechanical inventions
— R. A. Bevan: The pen drawings of Harold Gilman
— P. H. Muir: o.u.p.: a review
— The Early Alphabets of Eric Gill
— Brooke Crutchley: Printed in England: a review
The typeface is Chisel, an inline version of Latin Bold Condensed cut by H. Karl Görner following the suggestion of Robert Harling. It was issued by Stephenson Blake in 1939.