Leonard Andrews Municipal Tennis Center Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Nov 2nd, 2019. Source: www.flickr.com Corey Holms. License: CC BY-NC-ND. Sign at a tennis center in Fullerton, California, featuring a hand-cut (?) Motter Ombra, paired with clustered caps from Peignot. Spotted by Corey Holms in 2009. Typefaces Formats Signs (1976) Topics Sports (709) Designers/Agencies unknown (3744) Tagged withtennis (28)sports (162)signs (576)borders and rules (1005)reversed type (3090)tight letterspacing (810) Artwork location United States (9105) California (271) Fullerton (6) Post a comment Name Email – will not be published Website Your response Submit Comment More Motter Ombra in use MAMSAM mugsc. 2016Mateusz MachalskithreedotstypeJanek BerszContributed by Threedotstype Staff Pick Introduction to Statistics. Purposes and Procedures1976unknownContributed by Florian Hardwig Staff Pick Bratislavská Lýrac. 1983unknownContributed by Florian Hardwig Sponsor More in Sports Lululemon 20 Years2018PentagramEddie OparaRémi ParingauxContributed by Swiss Typefaces Staff Pick Karama bicycle frame lettering2021Olek ModzelewskiContributed by Threedotstype The lazy NBA newsletterc. 2020Edward ThringContributed by Edward Thring Sociologie des supporters de foot à Lens: Immersion chez les Atrébates by Adrien Dalle2024Édouard VandyckeContributed by Edouard Vandycke More in Signs The Bristol Cheesemongerc. 2016Studio ThomasContributed by Studio Thomas Put Your Hands Together2015Scott BomsPhoto(s) by Scott Boms on Flickr. Boulangerie Patisserie, Lezay2006Contributed by Roel Siebrand Zahntechnik Jochen Graf2020studio stgContributed by Production Type More Fonts In Use Max Chocolatier brandingc. 2009Miles NewlynMuggie RamadaniContributed by Gareth Hague Staff Pick Bon Appétit, “The Restaurant Issue”, October 20212021Walter GreenAlex MadridChrista GuerraContributed by Jamie Otelsberg (OH no Type Co.) Staff Pick “I ❤️ NY Catskills” New York State tourism posters (1970s–90s)c. 1979Milton GlaserContributed by Garrison Martin Staff Pick New York magazine (1980–81)1980Roger BlackContributed by Roger Black Staff Pick