Friedrich Wührer, Bamberger Symphoniker – Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 4, G Major, Op. 58 album art Photo(s) by sacqueboutier. Imported from Flickr on Feb 28, 2021. Artwork published in 1959. Source: Uploaded to Flickr by sacqueboutier and tagged with “latinboldcondensed” and “lydian”. License: All Rights Reserved. Latin Bold Condensed with its characteristic H, paired with all-caps Lydian, for the cover of a recording by Austrian pianist Friedrich Wührer and the Bamberger Symphoniker, conducted by Jonel Perlea. The credits are set in what looks like Ludlow’s Caslon Bold Condensed. The album was released by Vox Productions, Inc., New York. There’s also a variant with different colors. [More info on Discogs] Typefaces Formats Album Art (3808) Topics Music (5724) Designers/Agencies unknown (3722) Tagged withLudwig van Beethoven (13)classical music (232)album records (2489)Vox Productions (1)vinyl records (3026)Bamberger Symphoniker (1)Friedrich Wührer (1)Jonel Perlea (1)all caps (6656)brown (169)reversed type on an image (1086) Artwork location United States (9060) New York City (2612) Post a comment Name Email – will not be published Website Your response Submit Comment More Latin Bold in use Stan Rubin & his Tigertown Five – Dixieland Comes To Carnegie Hall album art1955unknownPhoto(s) by Bart Solenthaler on Flickr. Felicia Sanders – The Songs Of Kurt Weill album art1960Murray SteinThe Composing Room, Inc.Photo(s) by Bart Solenthaler on Flickr. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, first edition rulebooksc. 1977David C. Sutherland IIITSR GamesContributed by Andy Delgado Sponsor More in Music There’s No Leaving New York music festival2018The Collected WorksContributed by Justin Colt The Flying Burrito Bros – The Gilded Palace of Sin album art1969Tom WilkesContributed by Robert Beatty Guyatone guitar knobs1967unknownContributed by Alex Stick C.S. Fulp – “Ego Death” single2021Mouthwash StudioBen MingoContributed by Ben Mingo More in Album Art The Elite Jewels – Theme from Revelations album art1974unknownContributed by Florian Hardwig Sound Patterns album artc. 1959Ronald ClyneContributed by Herb Lubalin Study Center Staff Pick Renée van Trier – HUMBLE2024Julien FischerPablo PerezContributed by WELTKERN® Typefaces The Exotic Guitars album artc. 1968Studio FiveCharles Cordell Jr.Photo(s) by Bart Solenthaler on Flickr. More Fonts In Use Die Zukunft des Mars2014Lisa NeuhalfenContributed by Stephen Coles Staff Pick “Color is a state of mind”, Print magazine (1969)1969Dorothy E. HayesContributed by Florian Hardwig Staff Pick “______ is voting for Biden” posters2020Jason CryerContributed by Gor Jihanian Staff Pick Basel Sinfonietta 2015/2016c. 2015Hauser, SchwarzContributed by Swiss Typefaces Staff Pick