An independent archive of typography.

Schranke #5

Contributed by Hannes Brischke on Jan 16th, 2020. Artwork published in
January 2020
Schranke #5 1
Photo: Hannes Brischke. License: All Rights Reserved.

Schranke is an ongoing series of club events taking place at HBKsaar in Saarbrücken. The event is organized by students and takes place 1 – 2 times per semester.
Schranke is open for every student to experiment within the subcultural context of clubmusic, either by participating in organisation or by playing music. There are DJ-Workshops to empower students by giving them the tools and opportunity to showcase their music.

The visual identity evolves around dogs, mostly because dogs are very present on HBK campus and because they are cute. While the posters for the first three events showed pictures of funny dogs to introduce the theme, the ongoing series shows dog related accessories (like these dog toys). As the parties are mostly for HBK students, it is important to give just enough information, so the students familiar with the concept get when the next event is taking place.

The poster is a combination of riso and digital print. The typography uses the variable font version of Map Roman, which allows for a slightly more condensed version of the typeface, compared to its static Condensed style.

Schranke #5 2
Photo: Hannes Brischke. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Map Roman




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