Rezas do Diabo by Wencesláu de Queiroz (Unicamp student project)
Contributed by César Ganimi on Jun 11th, 2020. Artwork published in
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3 Comments on “Rezas do Diabo by Wencesláu de Queiroz (Unicamp student project)”
Grenze: I love this font. The fonts “Thalweg” and “Thalweg Poetica” have a similar appearance. And I like all three of them.
Thank you, Kurt. I have added Thalweg as a related typeface to the page for Grenze. You might like JAF Lapture, too (or the original typeface it is based on, Leipziger Antiqua).
Yes Florian, thanks, they are all very interesting indeed: wonderful fonts. I was surprised that the “Grenze” is so easy to read in a book. A daring design. But, as the saying goes: he who dares wins‽