Jazz at Lincoln Center website
Contributed by Marjan Blan on Aug 31st, 2020. Artwork published in
circa 2020
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2 Comments on “Jazz at Lincoln Center website”
I’m having difficulty looking for the typeface used in Evan Allen’s rebrand of the whole of Lincoln Center, dating from 2009 when Alice Tully Hall was expanded. This appears to be Univers Next according to WhatTheFont, but it’s also fairly similar to Maison, Unica and Monument Grotesk. Is it correct?
Hi Jarrod, yes, that’s indeed Univers/Univers Next.
It seems that the logo currently used on the Lincoln Center website still uses Univers (with text in Karla). In 2009, they had a different logo, but used Univers in graphics. Lincoln Center’s American Songbook from 2019 (pdf) has Univers embedded. The Teacher Guide from 2018 (pdf) uses LTUnivers, which stands for Linotype Univers, the version later renamed to Univers Next.