Source: www.flat33.comFL@33. License: All Rights Reserved.
You say cock-a-doodle-doo, I say kikeriki!
Screenprinted support T-shirts (organic, non-bleached cotton) for FL@33’s hugely popular and award-winning This ongoing, self-initiated project is presenting a collection of onomatopoeia from around the world using sound recordings from native speakers imitating the sounds of mainly animals and vehicles.
The online collection – launched in 2002 – focuses on the pronunciation and comparison of these sounds by presenting them side by side as each language expresses them differently. is an interactive experience inviting everybody to contribute. Submissions are more than welcome!
Fittingly, the typeface that has been chosen both for the Bzzzpeek website and for the t-shirts is a school script. FF Schulschrift B is a digital version of Lateinische Ausgangschrift (“Latin initial script”), one of the handwriting models that are used in German schools. The ‘o’ has been customized slightly. Did you know that the lettershapes in handwriting are different from country to country, just as the onomatopoeia of animal sounds?
Source: www.flat33.comFL@33. License: All Rights Reserved.
Source: www.flat33.comFL@33. License: All Rights Reserved.
Source: www.flat33.comFL@33. License: All Rights Reserved.
Source: www.flat33.comFL@33. License: All Rights Reserved.
Source: www.flat33.comFL@33. License: All Rights Reserved.
Source: www.flat33.comFL@33. License: All Rights Reserved.