To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf (Harvest/HBJ, 1978)
Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Feb 10th, 2021. Artwork published in
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4 Comments on “To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf (Harvest/HBJ, 1978)”
Interesting type. Looks to me sort of like Cooper Black with some of the excess width shaved off.
Yep, that’s also a good way of describing it! The letters e and t are particularly Cooper-esque.
The artwork seems cool as well. That obscure font has got a currently work-in-progress revival by Quinn Davis (of The Jigsaw Foundry and Fonts in Use user) under the same name (as Salisbury). Mind if we can check it out?…
Thanks for the pointer, Jay. I’ve added a link to the page for Salisbury Bold. It looks decent, although the character set of the alpha version is still limited, and currently supports little more than English. I wonder whether Quinn was able to find out the whereabouts of Bob Newman (or his heirs), and get the blessing of the original designer. I gave it a try a while ago, but didn’t find any leads.