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“Your next step” ad, London Transport Commercial Advertising

Photo(s) by mikeyashworth. Imported from Flickr on May 17, 2021. Artwork published in
June 1938
“Your next step” ad, London Transport Commercial Advertising
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by mikeyashworth and tagged with “beton” and “betonlicht”. License: All Rights Reserved.

London Transport has always relied heavily on income from commercial advertising revenues – monies made by selling advertising space on vehicles, stations and structures. In the 1930s the Commercial Advertising Department were themselves prolific advertisers in relevant trade journals (here in Art & Industry) and issued much publicity themselves. As in keeping with the company’s strong ethos of ‘fitness for purpose’ even humble press adverts have a real sense of style about them as seen here.

Advertising escalator panel spaces this advert, both graphic and text, plays cleverly on ‘steps’ – steps on the escalator and the advertiser’s next steps. It is thoughtfully set out, typographically, and the graphic captures escalators, passengers looking and a ‘step’. It is by Eckersley-Lombers, the pre-war partnership of designers and artists Tom Eckersley and Eric Lombers who also produced many posters and panel/car posters for LT as well.

The last line is very fine: The LT roundel symbol and “You can’t get away from it”!


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  • Beton




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