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The Negroni by Matt Hranek (Workman)

Contributed by Herb Lubalin Study Center on Oct 13th, 2021. Artwork published in
June 2021
The Negroni by Matt Hranek (Workman) 1
Source: Workman Publishing. License: All Rights Reserved.

The Negroni: A Love Affair with a Classic Cocktail book by Matt Hranek, designed by Headcase Design, uses two typefaces on the cover to capture the Art Deco air of the classic cocktail and its origins. Albertus Nova used to set the word Negroni, subtly channels the style of lettering used for Carpano and Campari labels. It smartly avoids having to mimic them directly, but still feels relevant. It’s also a nice choice for the distinct shapes of N, G, and R it affords. The secondary typeface on the cover is Mark Simonson’s Mostra Nuova. This is the typeface that faithfully carries the Italian Art Deco spirit, connecting to the history of Negroni. The interior pages are set in Adobe Caslon, which gives the book a range of classic textures, with the Bold and Italic styles used throughout. Caslon contrasts and complements Mostra and Albertus which both function in headlining capacity.

The Negroni by Matt Hranek (Workman) 2
Source: Workman Publishing. License: All Rights Reserved.
The Negroni by Matt Hranek (Workman) 3
Source: Workman Publishing. License: All Rights Reserved.
The Negroni by Matt Hranek (Workman) 4
Source: Workman Publishing. License: All Rights Reserved.
The Negroni by Matt Hranek (Workman) 5
Source: Workman Publishing. License: All Rights Reserved.
The Negroni by Matt Hranek (Workman) 6
Source: Workman Publishing. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Albertus Nova
  • Mostra Nuova
  • Adobe Caslon




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