Tales of Sex and Sorcery by Charlotte Alchemilla Smythe book cover
Contributed by Eva Silvertant on Dec 21st, 2021. Artwork published in
circa 2008
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3 Comments on “Tales of Sex and Sorcery by Charlotte Alchemilla Smythe book cover”
Fanfare is also called Flake.
What’s the source for this info? If it’s the OPTI Fonts Archive, then that’s an error. At least the Flake shown in Castcraft’s 1978 catalog isn’t related to Fanfare – it’s rather an all-caps version of Fantail.
I found the source of Fanfare (and its later digitizations, such as Cabaret): it was carried by Deberny & Cie as Lettres Modernes Italiennes. The showing in their 1920 catalog has an overprint reading “série supprimée”, indicating that it was discontinued. Apparently this turn-of the-century design was no longer en vogue at the time.