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Arve Henriksen – Places of Worship album art

Contributed by Gareth Hague on Feb 28th, 2022. Artwork published in .
Arve Henriksen – Places of Worship album art 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

From the album review in The Guardian:

Despite his many followers, nobody plays a trumpet quite like the plaintively expressive Norwegian Arve Henriksen. This new album contains 10 sublime reflections on religious sites and buildings. If it just represented diplomatic awe around holy places, it could have ended up as spiritually upmarket mood music, but Henriksen’s real priorities are the untapped sonic possibilities of the trumpet, as well as ideology-free meditation.

Alias Harbour is used for title text, supported by Trade Gothic.

[More info on Discogs]

Arve Henriksen – Places of Worship album art 2
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Harbour
  • Trade Gothic




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