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Cartoon/Fantasy Organization – Bulletin #6

Contributed by Bryson Stohr on Feb 27th, 2022. Artwork published in
January 1982
Cartoon/Fantasy Organization – Bulletin #6 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

From WikiFur:

The Cartoon/Fantasy Organization (also known as C/FO) is a Los Angeles, California club primarily for the discussion and enjoyment of Japanese animation which has held monthly meetings, usually on the third Saturday, from May 1977 to the present day.

Most of this bulletin appears to have been typed with an IBM Selectric; the headings are set in Orator and the bodies appear to be using Prestige Elite and Courier with its italic counterpart.

The front side additionally uses Handel Gothic for the organization name and a version of Franklin Gothic Extra Condensed for the text below it, with the later in all-caps.

The C/FO logo shown on the back uses  Italic, with  for the address.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

The C/FO logo shown on the back uses ITC Souvenir Italic, with Copperplate Gothic for the address.

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