Spider-Man (2002) movie posters
Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Jun 30th, 2022. Artwork published in
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2 Comments on “Spider-Man (2002) movie posters”
Hi! I find this font Homoarakhn which is quite similar. I think the font in the poster is Mata but this can be in the Related Typeface?
Hi Nathan,
The similarities are not accidental. Here’s what happened: in 1997, someone made a copy of Greg Samata’s Mata (1993) and thought it was a good idea to publish it as an anonymous freebie, with the comment “I made this font so I could have something looked like the Pumpkins 1979 single”. That single used Mata. Everyone who wanted to have something that looked like the Pumpkins 1979 single simply could have licensed Mata.
After the Spider-Man movie used a customized Mata (as shown here), someone released an oblique version that replicated the modifications seen in this use, again anonymously and for free, under the name Homoarakhan, with a note saying “spiderman font, based partiialy on 1979 font”. It’s derivative and unauthorized, and hence ethically problematic (the original Mata was released just a few years earlier). Also in technical regards, it’s a poor font, with a very limited character set (no accents etc.), faulty spacing and no kerning. If we receive a submission featuring Homoarakhan, we’ll probably add it. But since there is nothing recommendable about it, I leave it at this comment for now.