An independent archive of typography.

“The Baddest” in LA, July 4, 1972

Contributed by Roger Black on Jul 9th, 2022. Artwork published in
July 1972
“The Baddest” in LA, July 4, 1972
Roger Black. License: All Rights Reserved.

Fifty years ago LA, a weekly newspaper, published its first issue with this story about a charismatic ex-gang leader. The big headline is set in Stephenson Blake’s Condensed Sans Serifs No. 1, set on a Photo Typositor.

The sidebar lede is set in Ionic No. 5. The text is Corona, with Clarendon bold for subheads, and Franklin Gothic for the names in the captions. Text was set on a Mergenthaler VIP phototypesetter.

Photo: Terry McDonell

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