The Matrix (1999) movie posters
Contributed by Patrick Concannon on Sep 1st, 2022. Artwork published in
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2 Comments on “The Matrix (1999) movie posters”
The logo was designed by Tim Girvin (source)

Patrick, thanks for contributing a post about these iconic posters – a much welcome and overdue addition!
Christian, great to know the name of the logo designer! Credit added. Girvin has written about the work for Matrix on his blog.
The differences between Times (Linotype) and Times New Roman (Monotype) are minute, certainly in the basic roman caps. But Patrick is right: unlike the text in The Illustrator 10 Wow! Book suggests, Girvin began with Times, not Times New Roman. In the latter, the counter of R has a sharp corner at the top left, and the serifs are a tad flatter.
There are various fonts that are based on Girvin’s logo and extend the design to a full alphabet. Miltown (Apostrophic Labs, 2000) is probably the most successful attempt.