Burnkit’s bold visual identity for Ballet BC expresses the company’s modern approach to the art form season after season.
Ballet BC has garnered international acclaim within the ballet world. With an unabashedly modern style and approach, the company is continually seeking to innovate and challenge the notions of ballet as an art form.
To celebrate their 30th anniversary, Burnkit was called upon to develop a bold new visual identity for the Ballet BC brand. New impactful print and digital materials made a vivid introduction to the new look and feel.
Every season since its introduction, Burnkit has partnered with Ballet BC, maintaining the powerful brand essence of the visual identity while pushing into fresh new territory. New approaches to treating imagery and color palettes continually extend the visual language.
Neue Helvetica everywhere all the time. That’s the motto for Ballet BC’s typography. A robust grid system and rigid rules around applying typography help keep things in order. The powerful athleticism and beauty of the dancers project passion. The contrast of the two is compelling.
The Ballet BC logo is unexpected as marks go. There seem to be far too many characters and there’s an unusual use of whitespace within the form. But it works and provides a strong centerpiece for the brand and for the visual identity to spring from.
The repeating letterforms and cascading effect of their arrangement resulted in the logo being given the nickname of “rhythm” during the design process.