An independent archive of typography.

Connect magazine

Contributed by XYZ Type on Oct 26th, 2022. Artwork published in .
Connect magazine 1
Source: Sarah Fisher. License: All Rights Reserved.

Sarah Fisher designed Connect, a quarterly magazine published by Christ Church Southhampton. She writes on her website:

The magazine is designed to have a handful of short articles paired with a couple of longer ones, and is text-focused rather than relying on imagery. The typography is fun but easy to read and is designed to push the message of the article to the forefront by using plenty of whitespace, together with bold headings and pull quotes.

Rift is used for headlines and emphasis while Study is used for the body copy. Both fonts express a sense of warmth but function at different scales, making for an engaging and efficient typographic pairing.

Connect magazine 2
Source: Sarah Fisher. License: All Rights Reserved.
Connect magazine 3
Source: Sarah Fisher. License: All Rights Reserved.
Connect magazine 4
Source: Sarah Fisher. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Rift
  • Study




Artwork location

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