An independent archive of typography.

Thierry François website

Contributed by Jérémy Landes (Studio Triple) on Sep 21st, 2022. Artwork published in
June 2022
Thierry François website 1
Source: 2022, Thierry François. License: All Rights Reserved.

The website of art director Thierry François sports a delicate association of a lighter weight of Commercial Type’s Canela contrasting with Reymund Schröder’s NaN Hyena Noon Black. This association is based on an extreme contrast in weight, contrast, and serif presence between the two typefaces, somewhat only brought together by their use at the same size and color in an all-caps paragraph. We could add that Hyena’s humanist skeleton increases its kinship with Canela.

Colophon’s Google font DM Sans serves for body copy. It is striking in a mixed use of both libre and non-libre fonts; this practice is maybe not so uncommon on the web anymore but was more rare a few years ago when one was either a ferocious enemy of open-source fonts or a stranger to licensing proprietary fonts.

Thierry François website 2
Source: 2022, Thierry François. License: All Rights Reserved.
Thierry François website 3
Source: 2022, Thierry François. License: All Rights Reserved.
Thierry François website 4
Source: 2022, Thierry François. License: All Rights Reserved.
Thierry François website 5
Source: 2022, Thierry François. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Canela
  • NaN Hyena Noon
  • DM Sans




Artwork location

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