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Maria Neykova single cover

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Nov 25th, 2023. Artwork published in .
Maria Neykova single cover
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

This self-titled single by Bulgarian singer Mariya Neikova (1945–2002) was released by the state-owned Balkanton in 1972. For the cover typography, the uncredited designer used letterforms from Gros Titre, a capital alphabet drawn by Swiss art director Roland Schenk and reproduced in the second volume of Lettera.

The name of the “girl with the guitar” is shown twice, in Latin, here transliterated as Maria Neykova, and in Cyrillic, as Мария Нейкова. As Gros Titre is Latin-only, the cover designer had to mirror the R to obtain a Я (Ya). The И and Й (I/short I) were probably made by trimming an M.

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1 Comment on “Maria Neykova single cover”

  1. Well, Florian, I’ll have to take my hat off to you on that contribution, as that’s one name familiar to you before it was familiar to me!

    Despite Valérie Čižmárová having covered that premier “Girl with a guitar”, Melanie, in the shape of “Sbohem, školní bráno” (“Farewell, School Gate”), which had originally been “Stop! I Don’t Wanna Hear It Anymore”, I’m a bit “funny” about that type of artist in the context of “Girls Of The Golden East”. I’m more into the pure vocalists, preferably in a Soul-like vein, which doesn’t involve holding a guitar!

    My apologies to Lenka Filipová in that context, as she could be described as a “girl with a guitar”. Although, admittedly, she was still on the young side for what I think of as the classic “Girls Of The Golden East” era. I have enjoyed her brief presence in the film Třicet panen a Pythagoras (“Thirty Maidens And Pythagoras”), alongside the stunning Jaroslava Schallerová, however!

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