Source: to Flickr by Alan Mays and tagged with “duerer”, “pynson” and “dante”. License: All Rights Reserved.
E. Oettel, Philadelphia Reliable Fancy Bakery and Confectionery.
All kinds of Cakes, Pies, Creams, Water Ices, and Home Made Bread.
No. 506 Manor Street, Lancaster, Pa.
Special attention given to wedding and party orders.
Stands at Eastern, Central, and Southern Markets.
An elaborate business card printed by David Bachman Landis of Pluck Art Printery (later known as Landis Art Print) in the late nineteenth or early twentieth century.
The wavy, wiry vertical lines that Landis used to separate the “Special Attention” section on the left from the main “E. Oettel” portion of the card come from a set of “Capital Ornaments” dated 1891 that was available from the Barnhart Brothers & Spindler (BB&S) type foundry. Landis also used these separators in a number of other printed pieces. See, for instance, the following examples:
BB&S also sold a set of “Brownies” characters that included the tiny owl in the upper left-hand corner.
Typefaces: Duerer (“Fancy Bakery and Confectionery”), Pynson (“All kinds of Cakes, Pies, Creams, Water Ices, and”), Hansard (“Home Made Bread”), Dante (“No. 506 Manor Street”), and Old Style Bold (“Lancaster, Pa.”). The unidentified typeface used here for “E. Oettel” appears to be the same as the one selected for “J. M. Trout” on the J. M. Trout, Fire Sand Quarries card [edit: it’s Eclipse Shaded].