The German sleeve uses three weights from a phototypeface of unclear origin: Melen is shown in a 1973 specimen by European typesetting chain Typeshop as well as on a 1974 poster by Conways’ Photosetting in London. Melen also appears in catalogs by Lettergraphics (and also Castcraft), but it’s unlikely that it originated at Lettergraphics: the Conways poster has a section dedicated to designs obtained from the Californian company, but Melen is listed elsew. All glyphs are composed of straights and arcs. The fonts came with dozens of alternates – see the two forms for A in the third line. The family has sixstyles with unconventional names: Plump (bold), Girth (medium), Juicy (light), Sunny (extralight), Meek (thin), and Sliced (like Plump, but outlined). Three styles were combined in this Use, partly with lowered glyphs and with overlapping lines.