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Quato (Half Ounce) movie logo and posters

Contributed by Lenna Kravitz on Nov 7th, 2024. Artwork published in
June 2024
Quato (Half Ounce) movie logo and posters 1
Harrison Fun. License: All Rights Reserved.

Quato (Half Ounce) is a short film directed by Montreal filmmaker Alexandre Nachi.

With the film title in mind, the design concept involved consistently using half of every format, making the title stretch and adapt to each format. The title treatment also reflects the character’s experiences throughout the film.

[More info on IMDb]

Quato (Half Ounce) movie logo and posters 2
Harrison Fun. License: All Rights Reserved.
Quato (Half Ounce) movie logo and posters 3
Harrison Fun. License: All Rights Reserved.
Harrison Fun. License: All Rights Reserved.
Quato (Half Ounce) movie logo and posters 5
Harrison Fun. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Neue Helvetica




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