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“Cardume” graphics for Instituto Guaicuy

Contributed by Priscila Justina on Dec 20th, 2024. Artwork published in
October 2024
“Cardume” graphics for Instituto Guaicuy 1
Source: Priscila Justina. License: All Rights Reserved.

Visual identity assets designed for the Instituto Guaicuy

a non-profit entity that emerged from the fight to preserve the Rio das Velhas basin and its activities are dedicated to defending the environment. […] Its actions are guided by popular activism in the search for ways of life that promote socially fair and environmentally sustainable coexistence between people, water and territory.

The campaign graphics were used for an event by the Comissões de Pessoas Atingidas das regiões 4 e 5 (“Committees of affected people from regions 4 and 5” in Southeast Brazil. This meeting took place in December 2024 in Curvelo, Minas Gerais, and was dedicated to the fight for full and effective reparation for people affected by the 2019 Vale dam collapse in Brumadinho, Minas Gerais.

Montserrat Alternates was chosen to write the project titles. Its charismatic design in letters like E, M, and A, along with the mix of uppercase and lowercase characters, added personality to the pieces while aligning with Guaicuy’s branding.

See also the previous post about a series of related maps and infographics.

The motto on the tote bag is adapted from a quote by the artist and researcher Isabela Frade. It reads “Em água de peixe grande, é necessário ser cardume”, which translates to something like “When in waters with big fish, it is necessary to form a school”.
Source: Photo: Gia Dias. Uploaded to Flickr by Instituto Guaicuy. License: All Rights Reserved.

The motto on the tote bag is adapted from a quote by the artist and researcher Isabela Frade. It reads “Em água de peixe grande, é necessário ser cardume”, which translates to something like “When in waters with big fish, it is necessary to form a school”.

The cardume (school of fish) is comprised of various native fish species which are depicted with the Portuguese and Latin names.
Source: Priscila Justina. License: All Rights Reserved.

The cardume (school of fish) is comprised of various native fish species which are depicted with the Portuguese and Latin names.

“Cardume” graphics for Instituto Guaicuy 4
Source: Priscila Justina. License: All Rights Reserved.
“Access to information, access to participation, access to reparations”
Source: Priscila Justina. License: All Rights Reserved.

“Access to information, access to participation, access to reparations”

“Cardume” graphics for Instituto Guaicuy 6
Source: Priscila Justina. License: All Rights Reserved.
“Cardume” graphics for Instituto Guaicuy 7
Source: Photo: Gia Dias. Uploaded to Flickr by Instituto Guaicuy. License: All Rights Reserved.
“Cardume” graphics for Instituto Guaicuy 8
Source: Photo: Gia Dias. Uploaded to Flickr by Instituto Guaicuy. License: All Rights Reserved.
“Cardume” graphics for Instituto Guaicuy 9
Source: Photo: Gia Dias. Uploaded to Flickr by Instituto Guaicuy. License: All Rights Reserved.
“Cardume” graphics for Instituto Guaicuy 10
Source: Photo: Gia Dias. Uploaded to Flickr by Instituto Guaicuy. License: All Rights Reserved.
“Cardume” graphics for Instituto Guaicuy 11
Source: Photo: Gia Dias. Uploaded to Flickr by Instituto Guaicuy. License: All Rights Reserved.


  • Montserrat
  • Roboto




Artwork location

1 Comment on ““Cardume” graphics for Instituto Guaicuy

  1. Luisa Lopes Carvalhaes says:
    Jan 27th, 2025 2:40 am

    Is there a way I could find this tote bag?

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