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Charles Dickens Classics: A Christmas Carol / Mr. Pickwick’s Christmas album art

Contributed by Bryson Stohr on Dec 25th, 2024. Artwork published in .
Charles Dickens Classics: A Christmas Carol / Mr. Pickwick’s Christmas album art
Source: Internet Archive. License: All Rights Reserved.

A 1950 spoken-word album by Decca Records containing vinyl record interpretations of two Christmas stories by Charles Dickens: “A Christmas Carol”, directed by George Wells and featuring Ronald Colman as Scrooge, and “Mr. Pickwick’s Christmas”, with narration by Charles Laughton.

For the titles of the stories, the elusive Streamline Block unexpectedly makes an appearance for “A Christmas Carol”, while Warren Chappell’s Lydian is used for “Mr. Pickwick’s Christmas”, under which the similar Valiant can be seen for Charles Laughton’s name. The secondary text is set in Futura and its condensed style (or, perhaps, a local copy of the same typeface.)

[More info on Discogs]


  • Streamline Block
  • Lydian
  • Valiant
  • Futura
  • Futura Condensed




Artwork location

1 Comment on “Charles Dickens Classics: A Christmas Carol / Mr. Pickwick’s Christmas album art”

  1. Valérie Čižmárová, whose fan blog, ‘Hotlips on the Horse Tram’ I run, was in a production based on ‘Mr. Pickwick’ at the Divadlo Rokoko, entitled ‘Pan Pickwick’ (‘Mr. Pickwick’). Here is a small album of photos from the premiere of that production taken by Vilém Sochůrek at my ‘The Curves Man’ Flickr, featuring Valérie.

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