Note that the Spartan Bold version by The League of Moveable Type is different from the original Spartan Bold weight in some details in the lowercase. Unlike the original, it has a t with a foot, and diagonally cut terminals in e and g.
Revisiting this question, I made a visual comparison. Shown at the top is a detail from an undated (ca. 1960s) specimen by the Mergenthaler Linotype Company, showing Spartan Heavy, 36pt. Below is a resetting in League Spartan SemiBold (v2.220, Oct. 2020). I applied a considerable amount of negative tracking to make the two better comparable – out of the box, League Spartan is spaced more loosely.
From vertical and horizontal proportions to general terminal treatment and individual letter details, League Spartan is a new design, not a digitization of the original Spartan.
6 Comments on “Black Mother movie poster”
Note that the Spartan Bold version by The League of Moveable Type is different from the original Spartan Bold weight in some details in the lowercase. Unlike the original, it has a t with a foot, and diagonally cut terminals in e and g.
True. There are more differences, also in the uppercase (e.g. CQS) numerals. The metal Spartan stays much closer to Futura.
I think we may want to create a separate entry for League Spartan given all these changes.
Check. I’ve updated the link in the post.
Yeah, aside from the name and Futura-esque look I’d consider them completely different fonts.
Revisiting this question, I made a visual comparison. Shown at the top is a detail from an undated (ca. 1960s) specimen by the Mergenthaler Linotype Company, showing Spartan Heavy, 36pt. Below is a resetting in League Spartan SemiBold (v2.220, Oct. 2020). I applied a considerable amount of negative tracking to make the two better comparable – out of the box, League Spartan is spaced more loosely.
From vertical and horizontal proportions to general terminal treatment and individual letter details, League Spartan is a new design, not a digitization of the original Spartan.